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How To Seal Your Composite Deck

By October 21, 2021News

How To Seal Your Composite Deck

Have you been struggling with finding out the best approach on how to seal your composite deck? Below are some few important tips that will help you out with your deck sealing project. Take your time to understand every aspect involved in the process.

Clean Your Composite Deck

Always start by preparing your deck for sealing and this involves proper cleaning. Cleaning removes mildew, debris and stains from the deck. In this case, you can use a pressure cleaner since it is very effective in completely removing the dust and it saves on time. However, you must handle it with care so that you do not cause any unnecessary damages on your composite deck. Also ensure you use the appropriate cleaning agent and leave the deck to dry before sealing.

Choose The Appropriate Sealer

Normally, every decking material has specifics on the type of sealer to use. Before you purchase a sealer, you must find out the right one for your composite deck. Most homeowners prefer the water-based sealers over the solvent-based sealers because they are more effective. Water-based sealants rarely have negative impacts on the decking material and they also contain synthetic resin which is less appealing to mold or algae. You can visit Sherwood Lumber to find more information on the best sealers to use on your deck.

Apply The Sealer

Once you have chosen the deck sealer, you can proceed with the sealing. Make sure you go through the instructions indicated on the products and the ones provided by the professionals on how to seal your composite deck. You can either apply the sealer through spraying or rolling, and don’t forget to back-brush after rolling the sealer. Back-brushing breaks the surface tension between the deck and the sealer and aids the penetration of the sealer into the deck boards. The higher the absorption of the sealer, the longer it lasts on the deck and this is why the sealer needs time to penetrate into the material. However, this does not mean that you should use too much of the product. Too much of the sealer will give your MoistureShield composite deck a tacky look and the dried spots will peel over time.

Give It Time To Cure

Give the sealer enough time to dry on your deck without messing up with. Try and see to it that the project is as successful as possible and that none of your expenses go waste. Tidy up the workplace and leave the deck for one or two days to dry. Thereafter, you can start using and equipping it with furniture and decorations.

Maintain Your Deck

Deck maintenance is another aspect to think about when considering how to seal your composite deck. A properly maintained deck guarantees long-lasting appeal and performance. In case you carry out a successful sealing project but fail to maintain your deck then all your efforts will be in vail. The good thing with composite decking is that it has very few maintenance needs. Visit our website to find out how to maintain your MoistureShield composite deck.