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Top 5 Ways Successful Lumber Salespeople Start Their Day Right

By February 27, 2022Sales

Getting your day off to the right start will dictate how successful your day is. Similar to many sales jobs, in lumber sales there is always too much to get done and never enough time. On top of that sales people are constantly asked to react to their customers. Lumber sales is both extremely fast and emotional. Without starting the day properly sales people find themselves putting fires out all day long and not having an opportunity to be proactive. Below are 5 ways successful lumber sales people start their day.

1. Reverse Engineer Your Day:

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin Franklin.

Without a plan we just do. Successful lumber sales people know with specifics their goals for each day and every day. It starts with the end in mind. They take time to plan their day with intention of what will be accomplished. Whether it be the amount of carloads vs Trucks, amount of Panels vs. Dimension, Amount Spruce/Fir/SYP or just an overall dollar or footage amount for the day they know. Once you know what you want to accomplish you can reverse engineer how you will accomplish. What specific steps and activities will need to be completed in order to achieve the goal.

2. Communication Plan:

“Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.” Paul J Meyer

The best lumber salespeople balance everyday with communication to all types of customers. They make time for all levels of customers from the prospects through the premiere top customers. In order to reach out to all levels they create a communication plan in the beginning of the day. The plan includes the organization, contacts and reasons for each call.

Successful salespeople also know who not to include in this plan. Putting names on this list just for the sake of it wastes time and makes a sales person very inefficient.

3. Intention: Daily 5 Plan

“The universe doesn’t give you what you ask for with your thoughts – it gives you what you demand with your actions.” – Steve Maraboli

Everyday there must be 5 things that will get accomplished no matter what direction the day goes. These items are the highest priorities on the to-do list. The items can range from follow-up calls, meeting planning, specific sales offerings, to a certain amount of customers. Whatever is on this list MUST be completed during the day.

4. Market Review

The lumber market is constantly changing and successful lumber salespeople will know and have a great feel for where the lumber market is and where it is going. Customers look to salespeople for information and insight into the market. The more consultative sales people can be, the more the customer base the more success you will have. Successful salespeople can sell in any market environment. Each type of market requires a different type of sale and market review is the way to understand where the market is and where it is going and therefore know what customer needs and will need.

5. Meditate

“The goal of meditation isn’t to control your thoughts, it’s to stop letting them control you.” Anonymous

Incorporating some type of mindfulness practice like meditation into your daily morning routine can help ground you and train your mind and emotions, which then influences how you react to challenges throughout your day.

During your meditation is also a great time to set your intention for the day (See #3 above). When you get clear on how you want your day to go or what you want to feel or accomplish, you can make clear decisions that create the life you truly want to live.