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Sherwood CEO Covid Message

By March 16, 2020May 22nd, 2020News


Living by a set of values and operating with a certain set of principals is always something I have expressed with sincerity. In some moments that is incredibly easy to do and in others that becomes more of a challenge. We have entered into a time where our people, our customers and our vendors may be feeling additional stresses that weren’t present a couple of months ago. This makes living by our values and our mission statement as easy as can be because our message is undeniably clear.


We’ll be there with an impeccable customer, vendor and associate experience.

Over the next few weeks the health, safety, and welfare of you and your families is my top priority. As a company, I am suspending all unnecessary travel, we have purchased laptops for the organization, and are asking that you work from home until we receive better news from the CDC. We are going to be taking extra precautions at our company owned yards to protect our workers and we have and will continue to provide counseling for anyone feeling overwhelmed.

In addition to letting you know about what we have done, I want to take a moment to tell you what we are going to do. This moment in time is an opportunity to show who Sherwood Lumber is. I am inspired and proud to announce the following action items I am seeing come from this organization.


  • Philanthropy: Sherwood Lumber will be making a donation to a COVID-19 relief fund for every order that is made this week. In my estimation this donation will come out to roughly $10,000. During uncertain times, this money will help contribute to provide food, supplies and medical assistance to those in need.
  • Provide Unique Trainings: Sherwood will be hosting a number of virtual trainings the next three weeks. For builders, contractors or dealers who want to remain productive Sherwood will be offering trainings online over a couple of different topics that we will be sending out to customers. We are still working out the details on this but this may range from providing certification to Join the KWP Masterclad program, Education on forward pricing etc. Sherwood views this period as a chance to be leader in the space to provide productive options and solutions to our customers and I encourage any of you who get inspired by this and have ideas that you bring them to us.
  • Spirit: Sherwood will be hosting a sales contest for our employees. I know to some the contest may feel a little goofy, but it is the spirit of the contest that has me so encouraged, The Contest encourages being safe, remaining calm, having fun and doing what you can  to reduce transmission spread… as a fun little antidote we got a call from a magazine that saw what we are doing online and will be highlighting Sherwood as a positive force in the industry!


Let’s be our best selves this week, lets lean on each other for support, lets remain positive and lets be impeccable for others around us to get through this as quickly, effectively, and safely as possible.  We will continue to communicate out more news as we have it for anyone looking for information on the virus please go to the CDC website.