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How To Repair Thermally Modified Wood Decking

By May 24, 2022News

How To Repair Thermally Modified Wood Decking

Thermally modified wood decking is a composite material made from thermally treated wood. The thermal modification process changes the physical and chemical properties of the wood, making it more resistant to rot, insect damage, and water absorption. Thermally modified wood decking is also more dimensionally stable than unmodified wood, meaning that it will not warp or shrink as much as unmodified wood. If your thermally modified wood decking has been damaged, there are a few ways to repair it. Here is a guide on how to repair thermally modified wood decking:


The first step for any deck repairs is a good clean. This will remove any dirt, grime, or debris accumulated on the surface. Use a pressure washer on setting two or three, or a stiff-bristled brush and some soapy water. Rinse off the soap with clean water afterward.


Once your deck is clean, you’ll need to sand it down to create a smooth surface for refinishing. Use medium-grit sandpaper and sand in the direction of the grain. If you have a power sander, the job will go much faster.

Repairing cracks and holes

If there are any cracks or holes in your wood decking, now is the time to fix them. Use a putty knife to fill tiny holes with wood filler and caulk to fill larger cracks. Allow the filler and caulk to dry completely before proceeding.


Now it’s time to refinish your deck and give it a new lease on life! You can use a stain, sealer, or paint to do this. Choose a product specifically designed for use on decks and carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Replacing damaged boards

If any of your deck boards are damaged beyond repair, you’ll need to replace them. Use a saw to remove the damaged board, and then measure and cut a new one to fit in its place. Secure the new board in place with nails or screws.

Adding trim

lOther than learning how to repair thermally modified wood decking, you also need to know how to add exterior trimming. Adding a trim is a great way to dress up your deck and give it extra protection. You can use molding, lattice, or other trim types for this purpose. Just be sure to use trim that is specifically designed for use on decks so that it will stand up to the elements.

Building a new rail

If your deck railing is damaged or needs an upgrade, consider building a new one. This is a relatively easy project that any do-it-yourselfer can handle. Just be sure to follow all local building codes when doing so.

Hiring a professional

If you don’t trust your ability to refinish or repair your deck, you may want to hire a professional. Deck builders and contractors have the experience and expertise to get the job done right, and they will also guide you on the best products to use for your particular situation. If you need any help finding the right decking material, contact Sherwood Lumber. Our Americana wood siding will offer you the best decking performance.